Journal Publications
Matania O, Klein R and Bortman J (2022) Transfer Across Different Machines by Transfer Function Estimation. Front. Artif. Intell. 5:811073. doi: 10.3389/frai.2022.811073
Medvedovsky, D., Ohana, R., Klein, R., Tur, M., & Bortman, J. (2022). Spall length estimation based on strain model and experimental FBG data. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 171, 108923.
Madar, E., Galiki, O., Klein, R., Bortman, J., Nickell, J., & Kirsch, M. (2021). A New Model for Bearing Spall Size Estimation Based on Oil Debris. Engineering Failure Analysis, 106011.
Bachar, L., Klein, R., Tur, M., & Bortman, J. (2021). Fault diagnosis of gear transmissions via optic Fiber Bragg Grating strain sensors. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 108629.
Matania, O., Klein, R., & Bortman, J. (2022). Algorithms for spectrum background estimation of non-stationary signals. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 167, 108551.
Matania, O., Klein, R., & Bortman, J. (2022). Novel approaches for the estimation of the spectrum background for stationary and quasi-stationary signals. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 167, 108503.
Kenett, RS, Bortman, J. The digital twin in Industry 4.0: A wide-angle perspective. Qual Reliab Eng Int. 2021; 1– 10.
Bachar, L., Dadon, I., Klein, R., & Bortman, J. (2021). The effects of the operating conditions and tooth fault on gear vibration signature. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 154, 107508.
Tam, I., Kalech, M., Rokach, L., Madar, E., Bortman, J., & Klein, R. (2020). Probability-Based Algorithm for Bearing Diagnosis with Untrained Spall Sizes. Sensors, 20(5), 1298.
Dadon, I., Koren, N., Klein, R., Lipsett, M. G., & Bortman, J. (2020). Impact of gear tooth surface quality on detection of local faults. Engineering Failure Analysis, 108, 104291.
Gazizulin, D., Rosado, L., Schneck, R., Klein, R., & Bortman, J. (2020). A new efficient rolling element–Spall edge interaction model. International Journal of Fatigue, 131, 105330.
Dadon, I., Koren, N., Klein, R., & Bortman, J. (2019). A Step Toward Fault Type and Severity Characterization in Spur Gears. Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(8), 083301.
Gazizulin, D., Cohen, E., Bortman, J., & Klein, R. (2019). Critical Rotating Machinery Protection by Integration of a “Fuse” Bearing. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 100305.
Madar, E., R. Klein, and J. Bortman. "Contribution of dynamic modeling to prognostics of rotating machinery." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 123 (2019): 496-512.
Alian, H., Konforty, S., Ben-Simon, U., Klein, R., Tur, M., & Bortman, J. (2019). Bearing fault detection and fault size estimation using fiber-optic sensors. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 120, 392-407.
G. Kogan, R. Klein, J. Bortman, A physics-based algorithm for the estimation of bearing spall width using vibrations, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 104, 1 May 2018, Pages 398-414, ISSN 0888-3270,
I. Dadon, N. Koren, R. Klein, J. Bortman, A realistic dynamic model for gear fault diagnosis, Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 84, February 2018, Pages 77-100, ISSN 1350-6307,
Kogan, G., J. Bortman, and R. Klein. "A new model for spall-rolling-element interaction." Nonlinear Dynamics 87.1 (2017): 219-236.
Kogan, G., Bortman, J., & Klein, R. (2015, August). Estimation of the spall size in a rolling element bearing. Insight-Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 57(8), 448-451
Khmelnitsky, M., Bortman, J., Ben-Simon, U., Klein, R., & Tur, M. (2015, August). Improved bearing sensing for prognostics: from vibrations to optical fibres. Insight-Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 57(8), 437-441.
Gazizulin, D., Kogan, G., Klein, R., & Bortman, J. (2015, March). Towards a physics based prognostic model for bearing-Spall initiation and propagation. In 2015 IEEE Aerospace Conference (pp. 1-10). IEEE.
Dadon, I., Bliznyuk, A., Bortman, J., & Klein, R. (2015). Towards a reliable non-linear dynamic model of damaged gear transmission. Insight-Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 57(5), 283-289.
Kogan, G., Klein, R., Kushnirsky, A., & Bortman, J. (2015, March). Toward a 3D dynamic model of a faulty duplex ball bearing. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 54, 243-258.
M. Battat, R. Klein and J. Bortman. (August 2014). "Application of Advanced Signal Separation Methods in a Complex Case of a Bearing Fault", Insight - Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, Vol. 56, 2014. # IF:0.55, JR: Q3(21/33)
J. Bortman and B.A Szabo, "Analysis of fastened structural connections", AIAA Journal, Vol. 30, No. 11, 1992, pp. 2758-2764. # Citations: 3, IF:1.428, JR: Q1(3/27)
J. Bortman and B.A. Szabo, "Nonlinear Models for Fastened Structural Connections", Computers and Structures, Vol. 43, No. 5, 1992, pp. 909-923. # Citations: 12, IF:2.676, JR: Q1(14/124)
L. Banks–Sills and Y. Bortman, "A Mixed Mode Fracture Specimen – Analysis and Testing", International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 30, 1986, pp. 181-201. # Citations: 17, IF:1.516, JR: Q2(62/138)
L. Banks–Sills, M. Arcan and Y. Bortman, "A Mixed Mode Fracture Specimen for mode II Dominant Deformation", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1984, pp. 145-147. # Citations: 30, IF:1.516, JR: Q2(62/138)
L. Banks–Sills and Y. Bortman, "Reappraisal of the Quarter – Point Element in Fracture Mechanics", International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 25, 1984, pp. 169-180. # Citations: 34, IF:1.516, JR: Q2(62/138)
Y. Bortman and L. Banks-Sills, "An Extended Weight Function Method for Mixed Mode Elastic Crack Analysis", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 50, 1983, pp. 907 – 909. # Ciatations: 37, IF:1.395, JR: Q2(61/138)

Articles submitted to scientific journals
D. Gazizulin, E. Cohen, R. Klein and J. Bortman, "Critical Rotating Machinery Protection by Integration of a "Fuse" Bearing", International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, IF 2.15; JCR, 23/86, Q2. (Accepted – should be revised).
I. Dadon, N. Koren, R. Klein, M. Lipsett and J. Bortman (2018), Impact of gear tooth surface quality on detection of local faults, Mechanism and Machine Theory, manuscript submitted for publication.
I. Dadon, N. Koren, R. Klein and J. Bortman (2018), A step towards fault type and severity characterization in spur gears, Journal of Mechanical Design, manuscript submitted for publication.

Presentation of papers at conferences/meetings (oral or poster)
Eyal Madar, Renata Klein, and Jacob Bortman. Contribution of dynamic modeling to prognostics of rotating machinery. In: ISIG Conference, February 2019, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Dana Shimoni, Dmitri Gazizulin, Hasib Alian, Renata Klein, Moshe Tur, and Jacob Bortman. Detection of a natural fault in ball bearing during endurance test by optical fiber sensors. In: CM MFPT Conference, September 2018, Nottingham, England.
N Silverman, I Dadon, J Bortman, A Kushnirsky, D Meron and R Klein. The effect of grease level and backlash on the AH-64 intermediate gearbox using a unique test-rig. In: CM MFPT Conference, September 2018, Nottingham, England.
Gazizulin, D., Klein, R., & Bortman, J. (2018, July). Physics Based Methodology for the Estimation of Bearings' RUL: Physics-Based Models, Diagnostic Methods and Experiments. In PHM Society European Conference (Vol. 4, No. 1).
Dana Shimoni, Dmitri Gazizulin, Hasib Alian, Uri Ben-Simon, Renata Klein, Moshe Tur, and Jacob Bortman. Using optical fiber sensors for detecting natural fault in ball bearing during endurance test. In: MFPT conference, May 2018, Virginia Beach USA.
Madar, E., Kogan, G., Gazizulin, D., Klein, R. & Bortman, J. (2017). Steps toward prognostics of faults in bearings, in: The annual conference of the prognostics and health management society, St. Petersburg, Florida, October 2017.
Gazizulin, D., Klein, R. & Bortman, J. (2017). Towards a Physics Based foundation for the estimation of bearings RUL, in: Asia Pacific Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, Jeju, Korea, July 2017.
Dadon, I., Koren, N., Renata Klein and Jacob Bortman. (2017). Clearance influence on vibrations of gear systems. in: The First World Congress on Condition Monitoring Conference, London, England, June, 2017.
Battat, M., Klein, R. & Bortman, J. (2017). Vibration Analysis of a Double Cardan Shaft. in: The First World Congress on Condition Monitoring Conference, London, England, June, 2017.
Madar, E., Kogan, G., Klein, R. & Bortman, J. (2017). An analytical model for rolling-element-spall interaction in bearing inner race. in: The First World Congress on Condition Monitoring Conference, London, England, June, 2017.
I. Dadon, N. Koren, R. Klein and J. Bortman (2017). The effect of gear tooth surface quality on diagnostic capability. In: The International Conference Surveillance 9, Fes, Morocco, May, 2017.
Alian, H., Konforty, S., Ben-Simon, U., Klein, R., Tur, M & Bortman, J. (2017). Using optical fiber sensors for health monitoring of rotational systems. In: The International Conference Surveillance 9, Fes, Morocco, May, 2017.
E. Madar, G. Kogan, R. Klein, J. Bortman, “Estimation of spall size in bearing inner race based on vibration analysis”, in: The Thirteenth International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, Paris, France, October, 2016.
N. Koren, I. Dadon, R. Klein, J. Bortman, “Steps towards fault prognostics of gears”, in: The Thirteenth International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, Paris, France, October, 2016.
D Gazizulin, R. Klein, J. Bortman, “2D spall generation a rolling element bearing”, in: The Thirteenth International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, Paris, France, October, 2016.
R. Peretz, L. Rogel, J. Bortman, and R. Klein, “Detection of Fatigue Cracks in Shafts via Analysis of Vibrations and Orbital Paths”, in: The Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society Denver, Colorado, USA, October, 2016.
Snir Lugassi, Sigal David, Jacob Bortman and Zohar Yosibash, “Failure Prediction of Carbon Fiber Pultrusions with Defects. An Analytic, Numeric and Experimental Study”, in: 24th International Conference on Composites/Nano-Engineering, Haikou, HAINAN ISLAND, China, July, 2016.
G. Kogan, E.Madar, R. Klein, J. Bortman, “Spall size estimation in bearing races based on vibration analysis”, in: The Third European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, Oxford, Bilbao, Spain, July, 2016.
Shlomi Konforty, Michael Khmelnitsky, Iddo Kressel, Renata Klein, Moshe Tur, Jacob Bortman, “Bearing health monitoring using optical fiber sensors, in: The Third European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society”, Oxford, Bilbao, Spain, July, 2016
Cohen, E. Bortman, J. & Klein, R. “Cyber Defense of Rotating Machinery Using an Integrated ‘Fuse’Bearing”, in: MFPT 2016 and ISA’s 62nd International Instrumentation Symposium, Dayton, OH, USA, May, 2016, Presentation.
Shlomi Konforty, Michael Khmelnitsky, Iddo Kressel, Renata Klein, Moshe Tur, Jacob Bortman, “Bearing Health Monitoring Using Optical Fiber Sensors”, in: MFPT 2016 and ISA’s 62nd International Instrumentation Symposium, Dayton, OH, USA, May, 2016
Snir Lugassi, Sigal David, Jacob Bortman and Zohar Yosibash, “Mechanical Properties and Fractures of Carbon Fiber Pultrusions”, in: 5th Israel Structural Integrity Group Symposium, Tel Aviv, Israel, January, 2016.
Avihai Spizzichino and Jacob Bortman, "Development and Execute Experiments for Determination of the Parameters in Constitutive Models of Myocardium", the Annual Meeting of the Israeli Society of Heart Research (ISHR), Haifa, Israel, December 2015.
Dmitri Gazizulin, Dr. Renata Klein and Prof. J. Bortman, “2D Spall Generation Simulation in a Rolling Element Bearing”, in: The 39th Israel Symposium on Computational Mechanics, Heifa, Israel, November, 2015, Presentation.
Cohen, E. Bortman, J. & Klein, R. “Cyber Defense of Rotating Machinery Using an Integrated ‘Fuse’Bearing”, in: The Annual Conference of the PHM Society, San Diego, California, October, 2015.
Battat, M., Bortman, J., & Klein, R. “APPLICATION OF FEATURE EXTRACTION METHODS ON A CH-53 SWASHPLATE BEARING”, in: The 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Florence, Italy, July, 2015.
G. Kogan, R. Klein, J. Bortman, “Estimation of the Spall Size in a Rolling Element Bearing”, in: The Twelfth International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, Oxford, UK, June, 2015.
Khmelnitsky, M., Bortman, J., Ben-Simon, U., Klein, R., & Tur, M, “Improved bearing sensing for prognostics: from vibrations to optical fibres”, in: The Twelfth International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, Oxford, UK, June, 2015.
G. Kogan, R. Klein, J. Bortman, “Size estimation of a spall on a raceway of a rolling element bearing based on vibration measurement and system properties”, in: The 33nd Israeli Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tel-Aviv, Israel, March, 2015, Presentation.
A. Bliznyuk and J. Bortman, "Introduction of the Spectral Normalized Moment", the 33rd Israeli Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tel-Aviv, Israel, March, 2015.
G. Kogan, R. Klein, and J. Bortman, "Size Estimation of a Spall on a Raceway of a Rolling Element Bearing Based on Vibration Measurement and System Properties", the 33nd Israeli Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tel-Aviv, Israel, March, 2015.
Dmitri Gazizulin, Gideon Kogan, Dr. Renata Klein and Prof. J. Bortman, “Towards a Physics Based Prognostic Model for Bearing – Spall Initiation and Propagation”, in: IEEE Aerospace conference, MT, USA, March, 2015
Dmitri Gazizulin, Gideon Kogan, Dr. Renata Klein and Prof. J. Bortman, “Towards a Physics Based Prognostic Model for Bearing – Spall Initiation and Propagation”, in: 4th Israel Structural Integrity Group Symposium, Tel Aviv, Israel, January, 2015, Presentation.
Matan Mendelovich, Yitschak Sanders, Gideon Kogan, Mor Battat, R. Klein and J. Bortman, “Characterization of Fault Size in Bearings”, the 6th Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, Dallas, September 28 – October 3, 2014.
A. Blaziznyuk, Dadon, R. Klein and J. Bortman, “Gear Diagnostics – Fault Type Characteristics”, the 6th Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, Dallas, September 28 – October 3, 2014.
M. Battat, G. Kogan, A. Kushnirsky, R. Klein and J. Bortman, “Duplex ball bearing outer ring deformation- Simulation and experiments”, the 2nd European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society. Nantes, France, July 8 -10, 2014.
R. Klein, M. Battat and J. Bortman, "Application of advanced signal separation methods in a complex case of a bearing fault", The 10th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, Manchester UK, June, 2014.
I. Dadon, A. Blaziznyuk, J. Bortman, R. Klein, "Towards a reliable non-linear dynamic model of damaged gear transmission", The 10th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, Manchester UK, June, 2014.
I. Dadon, A. Blaziznyuk, J. Bortman, R. Klein, "Dynamic modeling of damaged gear transmission", Israel Structural Integrity Symposium, Tel-Aviv, January , 2014.
J. Bortman, M. Marks, H. Frenkel, A. Spizzichino, R. Beeri, and D Gilon, “Towards a reliable model of the left ventricle – experiments and simulation”, the 5th Asia Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics & 4th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics, Singapore, Dec 2013.
M. Battat, G. Kogan, A. Kushnirsky, R. Klein and J. Bortman, “Detection of CH-53 swashplate bearing deformation - from a 3D dynamic model to diagnostics”, the 5th Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society. New Orleans, October 14-17, 2013
R. Klein, , I. Itzhak, S. Shaharabany G. Kogan and J. Bortman, "Towards Model Based Prognostics - Characterization of Fault Size in Bearings", The 10th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, Krakow, Poland, June, 2013.
A. Kushnirsky, Y. Golan, E. Haris and S. Nissim and J. Bortman, " THUMS and CBM in the Israeli Air Force – lessons learned”, The 10th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, Krakow, Poland, June, 2013.
J. Bortman, Z. Yosibash, R. Alevi, "Damage tolerance analyses in engineering practice", The 10th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, Krakow, Poland, June, 2013.
J. Bortman, “The Israeli Hi-tec”, BOM seminar, Tel Aviv, May, 2013.
G. Kogan, R. Klein, A. Kushnirsky, J. Bortman, "Helicopter Swash-Plate Bearing Modeling for Fault Simulation", Israel Structural Integrity Symposium, Tel-Aviv, March, 2013.
M. Marks, J. Bortman , R. Beeri, "Investigation of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy", the 32nd Israeli Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tel Aviv, 17-18 October, 2012.
G. Kogan, J. Bortman, R. Klein, A. Kushnirsky, "Ball Bearing Modeling for Fault Simulation", the 32nd Israeli Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tel Aviv, 17-18 October, 2012
M. Marks, J. Bortman , R. Beeri, "Analysis of the Broken Heart Syndrome Proposed Mechanism Using Regional Stress-Strain Approach", The 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, July, 2012.
J. Bortman, “Finite Elements Model for Cardiac Function”, The 13th Meeting of the BioExecutive Forum, Tel Aviv, June, 2012.
J. Bortman, R. Klein, A. Kushnirsky, G. Kogan, "Developing Diagnostic Condition Indicator Based on Analytical and Experimental Approach", The 9th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, London, UK, June, 2012.
Z. Yosibash, J. Bortman, R. Alevi, "p-Finite Element and Damage Tolerance Analyses for Estimating the Life of a Cracked Structure in Engineering Practice", Israel Structural Integrity Symposium, Tel-Aviv, January, 2012.
J. Bortman, "Finite Elements Model for Cardiac Function",The Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Physiology and Pharmacology, Maale Hachamisha, January, 2012.
J. Bortman, "Investigating the Mechanical Behavior of the Human Heart”, the 5th Israeli Air Force- Academia Conference, March, 2011.
Y. Elazar and J. Bortman, "Helicopter Dynamic Components Health and Usage Monitoring", the 25th Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, May, 1994 p. 51-52.
J. Bortman and Y. Elazar, "MECSIP – Mechanical Equipment and Subsystems Integrity Program", The 25th Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, May, 1994 p. 52-54.
B.A. Szabo and J. Bortman, "Mathematical Models for Structural Connections", In SIAM Annual Meeting, Chicago, 1990.
J. Bortman and B.A. Szabo, "Nonlinear Models for Fastened Structural Connection Based on the Finite Element Method", In Proceeding of the NASTRAN World Users Conference, Los Angeles, 1990.
J. Bortman and B.A. Szabo, "Nonlinear Models for Fastened Structural Connection Based on the p-Version of the Finite Element Method", In Proceeding of the USAF Structural Integrity Program Conference, San Antonio, 1989, pp. 313-356.
J. Bortman, D. Schur, and A. Kapitanovsky, "Utilizing of Cad System for Strength and Fatigue Analysis with Aeronautical Structure Maintenance Application", the 8th Israel Convention and Exhibition on Cad/Cam and Robotics, May, 1987.
J. Bortman and D. Schur, "Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue Analysis of Failure, Using Finite Element Method", The 20th Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, June, 1986, p. 7.1.2
J. Bortman and D. Schur, "The Effect of Material Compressibility (Poisson Ratio) on the Elastic – Plastic Solution to the Problem of Cylinder Under Internal Pressure (Cold Working Situation)", Collection of Papers of the 27th Israel Annual Conference on Aviation and Astronautics, February, 1985, pp. 61-64.
L. Banks – Sills, J. Bortman and M. Arcan, "On Mixed – Mode Fracture Testing", Collection of Papers of the 25th Israel Annual Conference on Aviation and Astronautics, February, 1982, pp. 169-172.

Invited plenary lectures at conferences/meetings
Jacob Bortman. “Using physical based models for machinery RUL estimation”, Invited speaker in the first Asia Pacific Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, Jeju, Korea, July, 2017.
Renata Klein. “Automatic diagnostics of complex machinery”, Invited speaker in the Thirteenth International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, Paris, France, October, 2016.
Renata Klein. “Automatic diagnostics of complex machinery”, Invited speaker in the International Conference Surveillance 9, Fes, Morocco, May, 2015.
Renata Klein. “AUTOMATIC FUSION AND DECISION IN DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS”, Invited speaker in the VIbrations SHocks and Noise conference, Aix en Provence, France, June, 2014.
Jacob Bortman. "The Vision of HUMS", Invited Keynote Lecture in the 5th Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society. New Orleans, October 14-17, 2013
Jacob Bortman. "Modeling – From Aircraft to the Human Heart", The CIC – Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions, Tel Aviv, Israel, December 4-6, 2011.
Jacob Bortman. "UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicle) – Technological Research brought the revolution", Invited Keynote Lecture in the Second Research and Innovation in Medical Technologies Workshop, Hadassah University Hospital, April 23, 2010.

Published scientific reports and technical papers
J. Bortman, "Nonlinear Models for Fastened Structural Connection Based on the p-Version of the Finite Element Method", D.Sc. Dissertation, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA, 1991.
J. Bortman, "Nonlfas – code documentation", Technical Report WU/CCM 90/30, Washington University, 1990.
J. Bortman, "Critique on the Displacement Compatibility Method", Technical Report, WU/CCM 90/4, Washington University, 1990.
J. Bortman, "Extended Weight Function Method Analysis of a Mixed Mode Fracture Specimen", Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Ms.C. in Tel Aviv University, July, 1983
• Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars not Followed by Published Proceedings

Chapters in collective volumes
J. Bortman, “Integrated Vehicle Health Management: Implementation and Lessons Learnt”, pp. 130 – 142, SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, USA, edited by Ian Jennions, USA, 2014.
Bortman, “The Technical Section of the Air Force – Strategic Plan”, pp.115-121, “Flying High, he Israel Air Force – Missions and Challenges”, Ministry of Defense, Israel, 2012.